CPAP device helps a person to have a more regulated breathing. A CPAP device increases the flow of air pressure in the throat, preventing the airway from collapsing when you breathe. A constant pressure is maintained while the machine gently blows the pressurized air through your airway.
The machine consists of 3 parts, that work in conjunction to perform.
CPAP results in positive outcomes for most users. Some of these improvements in sleep include:
Before you start using a CPAP device, it is good to know about the below mentioned instructions:
Wash the mask cushion in warm, soapy water – rinse and allow to air dry
Change the distilled water in the humidifier tank
Wash the humidifier tank in warm, soapy water – rinse and allow to air dry
Wash the tubing in warm, soapy water – rinse and allow to air dry
Change the cushion in the mask
Change the filter in the CPAP device (may replace up to two times per month)